Ken Reindel

Ken Reindel has been involved in the Test and Measurement Industry for almost 40 years. He has worked at companies known for state of the art measurements technology, such as Keithley and National Instruments. He has been responsible for developing technologies used to build world-class instruments, ranging from Keithley’s Model 580 micro-ohmmeter to National Instruments’ first 6 ½ digit digital multimeter, PXI-grade power supplies, and source-measure units.
He holds several patents has also been responsible for the technical development of many young engineers in his role as a technical lead at various companies.
In addition, Ken pursues his passion for precision with his thriving antique clock restoration business. Precision timekeeping has led the way to yet another passion, precision mains power line frequency conversion. He offers a family of power line voltage and frequency conversion products for clocks, radios, clippers, turntables, and other audio gear so folks can use their prized equipment anywhere in the world. See more at